Monday, April 20, 2009

G1 battery sucks

May be should retract my previous blog about G1 that not all of them G1 impresses. It has one of the horrible battery in the available smart phones far worser than the iphone. With just 3G on it drains 40% power in less than 4hrs. Any additional media usage will suck up must faster. HTC batteries always sucks but this one beats them all. There is one more thing I noted while blogging that with headphones attached its very uncomfortable to use the slideout keyboard. More G1 updates coming soon.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Who cares you have a G1?

After three days of using G1 I must admit I'm impressed with G1, some of the really cool features are tracker ball, back button and the notification bar. Over all it gives a real feel of having pc in hand.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Twitter Twitter Twitter all over

No other invention other the iPod has created so much buzz like the way Twitter is doing. Twitter is the social networking and micro blogging service which lets user to share upto 140 chars on their posts. There are hundreds of blogging sites and social networking sites but whats the drawback...sometimes bigger is not better. People of plantet earth in 21st century are craving for information...which is readable. "Britney comes to NY on so and so" is exactly the information needed, no more details, there are other services to get details. I was wary of the Twitter in the beginning certainly because of the hoopla surrounded around it by the media, two latest incidents stuck me, one in London where protestors of G20 summit used Twitter to organize the protest(its still being debated on how far its successful) and Twitter search to find real time queries. A couple of months back Twitter was valued at $250 million and now as of yesterday Google is trying to acquire them for about a billion bucks. A billion bucks for a service stated less 3 years back? it should be one hell of a service!


Friday, April 3, 2009

Royal touch

Do the British still think that they are the masters of the world? I read in Times Online about Queen being not amused by Italian PM Berlusconi(believe it- he is a funny guy) and the day before Michelle Obama might have broken the protocol by touching the queen. We know that the British media used to cherish themselves with the Royal attitudes and insult the guest who they think don't appreciate them much. In 1992 they called then Australian PM Paul Keating the 'Lizard of Oz'. But guess what? in today's world and that too in middle of a deep economic trouble, it really doesn't matter whether the Queen is amused or not. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh shouldn't have any trouble as Indian men never touch other women. Poor Aussies...
Lets say God Save the Queen's Guest.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hello World

This is my new blog which I wanted to continue possibly for some longer period before launching my own webcast, I'm going to scribble anything interesting that comes across me, this is being the election season in India, next few weeks might have higher dose of politics but nevertheless we will also find space for other stuffs too.
