Monday, November 1, 2010

Amazon can emulate netflix

Amazon and netflix are in some sense each others reflection, both have become industry leaders by adopting technology of its age, pushing back the dominant players. Amazon initially a online bookseller successfully turned itself into a retail giant, now selling virtually everything. Netflix with its ability to seamlessly stream content through internet, kicked blockbuster out of business. One of the advantage netflix has over its competitors is the vast collection of content that can be delivered instantly to its customers. Regardless of the plan, most customers get unlimited instant access. Most new movies are available in two months thru dvd. Now I wonder why amazon with its kindle cant create a similar plan to rent out its ebooks. As it is right now ebooks cant be resold, how about calling it as renting/lending instead of selling? Would n't that more appropriate? I believe that would give them further edge over barnes and nobles.